Truck Window Tales
The tales from a truck window. (Photo Credits)
Sometimes you can never guess what stories a truck window can tell.
AutoGlass Safety Council For instance this story featured over at Independent Journal Review on a veteran’s car being vandalized following a statement of support he wrote through his truck window.
“In addition to the spray paint, the vehicle’s body was scratched, the interior was trashed, and some items were stolen from the glove compartment… Mr. Lattin, who is a veteran and has a disability, says that the family’s only vehicle was totaled because of the vandalism.”
Read the rest of the report here.
Inspiring Story
Windshield Wiki A father and son meantime were stunned after seeing men outside their truck window while they were dozing off inside their truck.
“The single dad, 28, was joining the Corps of Cadets at A&M with his tuition taken care of by the GI Bill, but he didn’t have money for housing. He and Calvin spent two nights living in his truck. On the second night, a group of cops spotted the father and son sleeping, and came over to have a word with the young veteran, who thought he was about to be arrested. As it turned out, all three officers were veterans too, and arrest was not what they had in mind. Watch the video below to see the incredible gesture that the boys in blue made for this hard-working single dad.”
Watch the video here.
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This last story however may bewilder some.
Earth Hustle 411 shared: “Sunday Morning In Chicago Police has a neighborhood up in arms when they approached a crime scene and removed a car with two dead bodies in it. One of the bodies was hanging out the window and they used a regular Repo- truck to remove the car without combing the crime scene for evidence. The family of the deceased are watching as the police are provoking laughing and allegedly cracking jokes at the angry crowd.”
Read the rest of the story here.
Do you have any truck window tales?
The post Random Truck Window Stories appeared first on Carglass1 San Diego Windshield & Auto Glass.
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